How to resign the right way

Resigning from your  job can quite often be more difficult than going through the interview process for a new role. We get it, it’s never nice to feel as though you’re letting your employer or your team down. In reality, most employers want what’s best for their staff and accept the reality of their people moving on when they feel as though the time is right.

So, if you’re about to hand in your notice, here are a few must-do’s to ensure it goes smoothly… 

Book a face to face meeting with your manager

It’s harder we know, but your manager deserves to hear the news face to face. Where-ever possible, don’t shy away from this difficult conversation and take the easy option of sending your resignation by email.

Have your notice in writing

When you meet with your manager to discuss your resignation, be ready to hand your official notice letter to them then and include your last day of work.

Make sure you give your contractual notice period, don’t ask to negotiate on this

Notice periods are included in your contract to give the business time to organise your replacement or cover for your role when you leave. Asking for a shorter notice period will only put strain on your team and add to the stress of replacing you.

Be positive about your reasons for moving on

No business or manager is perfect, even if your reasons for leaving are due to issues you have with your role or the organisation, your resignation is generally not the time to raise these. Most companies will have an off-boarding process in which you are given the opportunity to undergo an exit interview, save your grievances for this.

Be enthusiastic and willing to making the handover process thorough and straightforward

It can be stressful when an employee resigns, by being enthusiastic about handing your role thoroughly and with the businesses best interests in mind, your manager is more likely to be supportive of your decision to leave.

Finally, know that it is never an easy conversation to have. Stay positive and proactive and you will be surprised by how well it can go! Good luck!


Tips for switching off over the break


Q&A with Frame Account Manager Lexie Leadley