Tried & Trusted Interview Tips

Nobody knows job interviews quite like our Frame team. We sat down with our Recruitment Manager, Ruth to get her tips on how to set yourself up for interview success. Have a read for the prep-steps that she swears by:

1) Research the brand

Work your way through the brand’s website and social media channels to get to know their story and to familiarise yourself with any particular focuses or recent campaigns. Businesses appreciate candidates who show a genuine interest and take the initiative to arrive informed. 

2) Prepare situational examples 

Your interviewer will likely include some situational questions where you will need to give specific examples. They might sound something like "tell me about a time when...." 

It's helpful to have a few examples top of mind, that you can draw on. I would recommend talking through a solution-focused situation that had a positive outcome. Keep it specific and factual. For example, it might be a challenge you overcame. Explain the challenge, walk them through your solution-based approach, and then focus on the positive outcome. 

3) Keep it positive

Tough things can happen at work; sometimes there can be clashes with personalities or values that don’t align, but try not to speak negatively about previous employers. Rather than focusing on the problems, put the emphasis on your values. Talk through what is important to you in your next role and what you can bring to the table.

4) Perfect your presentation

Present yourself as though you already work for the company. What would you wear to work? Pre-plan your outfit, and don’t forget all the finer details; pristine shoes, steamed clothes and neat nails all play a part in creating a polished and professional look. 

5) Be punctual

Plan ahead so that you know how you will get to the interview, and allow extra time for curve balls like unexpected traffic or tricky parking. By giving yourself plenty of time you will arrive in a calmer, more relaxed headspace. I recommend walking into an interview five minutes early - any more than this and the interviewer may still be busy wrapping up other tasks.

6) Interviewing online? Set up your space

If you are having a virtual interview it's important to consider your set up. Make sure you have great lighting and a plain background - arranging yourself near a window will give you lovely, natural light. Make sure your interview spot is private, so that you won’t have any interruptions or distractions, and there is no background noise to contest with. It’s always a good idea to test your video, microphone and speakers before the interview, so you have no surprises. Present yourself as though you are interviewing in person with a great, on-brand outfit. 

Overall, don't be afraid to be yourself and let your personality shine through while you talk about your skills and experience. If you’re working with Frame, your Account Manager will be there to make sure you feel nice and prepared, and to give you any tips specific to the role that you’re applying for. 

Best of luck x


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