Our Autumn Intentions

As we breathe in that autumn air and realise that a new season is upon us, the Frame team have taken the chance to reflect on the year so far and to set some intentions for the three months ahead.

While here at Frame we aren’t strangers to goal setting, we know that sometimes focusing on our lofty, long-term goals can be a little overwhelming. One of our approaches for overcoming that is to downsize, with an emphasis on just one or two things that we can achieve in the short term.

Having a bigger vision for what you want in the long term is important, but specific, short-term goals can be an effective way to move in the right direction without being daunted by the journey ahead. We have decided that the change of seasons is a perfect time to set some small intentions that will help us to develop good habits we can take into winter.

Our Autumn intentions are a mixture of things that will contribute towards personal and professional development. In most cases, these little goals and habits will feed into our overarching objective and move us toward our long-term goals .

For us, a common thread in our personal goals was little changes we can make to our everyday lives that will help our overall happiness and well-being. Some examples from the Frame team are;

  • “Adjusting my schedule to include exercising at least three times per week, even if this means waking up at 6 am.”

  • “Reducing my screen time before bed by swapping out my pre-sleep-scroll for 20 pages of my book.”

  • “Joining the 5 am club in order to have a more relaxed and productive morning routine.”

  • “Only eating takeaways for dinner on Friday nights and only buying my lunch at the office once a week.”

  • “I’m not feeling up to high-energy exercise at the moment, so I’m going to take the pressure off and just commit to 4x 45-minute walks a week while I listen to a podcast.”

To help achieve your short-term goals, we suggest the following tips:

  • Make sure they are specific and measurable, just like your long-term ones. This will ensure that there is no uncertainty about what you are trying to do.

  • Set achievable and realistic goals, and give yourself a clear timeframe.

  • Write your goals down and set regular calendar reminders for you to review your efforts.

  • Once you’ve decided what your goals will be, consider small steps you can take or things that you can put in place to help you succeed. For example; planning out your week so that you can see where your new commitment might fit into your schedule, then putting it into your calendar like an appointment.

Add a little focus and motivation to your autumn and join us in setting some intentions for the season ahead!


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