Q&A with Frame’s Director and CEO

Question: How have you found coming back to work with two babies?

Easier than when I went back to work after my firstborn. I'm already used to juggling work alongside childcare, with 3 years of practice, so that's really helped. I'm also easing back into work since Goldie is only 6 months old, and doing part-time hours which I will slowly build back up to full-time. It's actually nice to get dressed up a couple of days a week, ditching the activewear, and heading into the city. I am enjoying it!

Question: Do you have any advice for working parents who are learning to manage work-life balance?

Set realistic expectations around your time, be kind to yourself. It's hard being a working parent, you constantly feel stretched in all directions and like you're not giving enough of yourself to work or your children/ family! Set time aside for yourself each week, and lean into your support. I am lucky to have an army around me which I am very grateful for.  

Question: Tell us your favourite thing about being a mum of two?

Seeing the kids form a special sibling bond between themselves. Goldie can't take her eyes off Freddie who is 3.5 years old, and I love it when I catch glimpses of him singing to her or caring for her when he thinks I am not watching. 

Question: How has your personal style changed after having babies?

I definitely wear more activewear! Plus loose fitting, practical clothes. It feels like I am always sitting on the floor, out walking, chasing after a toddler or on the go, and I just want to be comfortable. Key pieces in my current wardrobe include; lots of oversized shirts, mom jeans, caps (to hide the always messy hair!), sneakers, and of course my Lululemon aligns!

Question: How do you prioritise your well-being and any self-care while juggling owning a business and being a mum (especially in such a fast-paced industry)?

My husband and I have a couple of nights each per week which are our gym/surf or exercise nights, while the other cooks dinner after putting the kids to bed. It's key having that time planned into the week, it gives us routine and structure and ensures we both get some time to keep fit and healthy.


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